Celestia Ludenberg

"I must say, that was incredibly boring. Do you always waste people's time like that. Positively sinful... Please try not to commit any further crimes."

Name: Celestia LudenbergAge: 17Birthday: November 23rdPronouns: She/HerSexuality: LesbianShe’s an experienced gambler, Celestia appears collected, cold and cunning by nature. She possesses the ability to manipulate others to do her bidding and can lie with a straight face. Celestia is a very ambitious person, as she declared that she will do anything it takes to win, and is ready to go as far as murdering someone or manipulating others in cold blood.She is extremely selfish and values her life over the lives of others, stating she has no problem sacrificing others in order to save herself. She also has a lot of pride, refusing to surrender no matter how far into a corner she’s pushed, as long as the chance for victory remains.Her mannerisms are strict, refined and her spoiled nature emphasizes this due to her aspiring to be like European royalty. She even has a habit of ranking men between Rank A and Rank F, supposedly to test who is worthy of being one of her servants. She despises her real self as she dislikes ordinary and common things and considers her real identity and name to be one of “a loser”. Celestia speaks softly and smiles often in order to imitate Victorian mannerisms and etiquette as a lady. She usually uses polite language whenever she talks to the others, but her short-temperedness surfaces when something fails to go as well as she expects it to.As the Queen of Liars, Celestia claimed that she can even fool her own emotions, but this doesn’t seem to be entirely the case. She appears to lack empathy and claims that she feels no guilt for the nefarious acts she committed in the gambling underworld. Despite her status as a consummate liar.

Celes was born into a family that lived well below the poverty line. As an only child it was a little easier on the food budget but rent and bills were always a struggle. Her parents were constantly fighting, whether it be about money, jobs, or just how unhappy they were. Though when they weren’t fighting they treated Celes very well and would try to spoil her when they had the money for it. Unfortunately despite the love both parents had for her when she was five her mother couldn’t take it anymore and left. Her mother had tried to take custody of her daughter but she was unemployed and had no stable housing so it was denied. Celes had hoped that she would at least get to visit her mother but she never came back to see her. Her father didn’t take the separation very well and started drinking, which ate into their very limited budget. Celes tried to stay a cheery child through all of this but reality would keep knocking her down. At school children would make fun of how scrawny she was and how her clothes were always torn and dirty. Home wasn’t any better either with her father constantly being drunk and neglecting her almost completely. Sometimes even verbal abuse, he would tell her she was nothing more than a leech who was ruining his life and costing him a fortune.With money getting tighter and tighter Celes’ father was getting desperate for any kind of cash to keep up with his addiction and amount of overdue bills so he turned to gambling. When Celes was 10 he started to hold illegal poker games in their home and because of that Celes was able to pick up on the rules of the game. She one day asked to play with her dad and he reluctantly agreed, but was shocked when Celes was able to play like a pro and even beat him. Her dad saw this opportunity to use Celes in the poker games and to make some big money. Of course the other participants weren’t going to object because hey free money but to their surprise Celes would always win. She eventually won enough money to pay all of their bills and then some. This is when Celes finally realized her talent and how amazing she actually was. It was also the first time for both of them to have so much money. This is also when the greed started, for both of them. Her father would use her to win him thousands of dollars, which he would spend on alcohol or lose again in poker games he would play himself. Celes in turn would use the small cut her father gave her, somewhat reluctantly, to buy herself an entirely new wardrobe. But they both wanted more and neither were willing to budge with how to cut the profits. Celes, being fed up with her father taking her hard earned money, packed up her clothes and moved out. At the age of 13 she gave her father one last paycheck in exchange for transferring to a new school where she would begin her new life.It was during this time where she legally changed her name to Celestia Ludenberg to further distance herself from her old poor and disgusting past. If she was going to make it on her own she was going to have to tell a few lies. She also changed her entire look to reflect a more Victorian style so that she would feel and look more expensive and deadly. She never wanted to live in a rat infested place like she did before so she strove to one day live in a castle where she could live as a princess like she was always meant to. Nothing less for someone with her standards. At her new school she was polite and formal and would speak with an accent to reflect her story of her being from Europe. She intended to have no one know of her past. She was a new person now after all. She would also occasionally hint at her wealth but didn’t want to flaunt it as to not seem like she was showing off. She absolutely was though. She wanted all those poor saps to know that she was better than them in every conceivable way. And her classmates bought every lie she told them.At night she would wear her most expensive Gothic Lolita dress and go to various casinos or poker matches to add to her wealth. Her young age of course led to everyone having their eye on her. And with that sprung her reputation of being the “Queen of Liars”. Her skills at catching bluffs while also concealing her own emotions were unrivaled. And as she got older she explored more dangerous gambling that would sometimes have her life on the line. She would play games she never heard of or knew the rules for and bet exorbitant amounts of money, and would always end up willing. Men would beg and plead for Celes to show them mercy but she didn’t care. She had a castle to save up for. It wasn’t her problem that these men bet their child’s college fund or even their entire life savings. She was nothing short of ruthless. There were many times where she would even engage in Russian roulette or games of that nature that had the high probability of her dying but she knew she would win. She always did. She also learned to clean up after herself after these less than legal events so that nothing could ever be traced back to her. Did she have a drink at this event? She took the glass home with her. The playing cards they played with? Burned after each game. The police have never been able to connect her to any shady game or crime scene. Her infamous reputation caught the eye of a few other people it seemed and she was accepted into Hope’s Peak Academy for high school.Her feeling on her classmates is a little mixed. She can’t exactly say that she likes them but hating them would also be going a little far. Although there were definitely one or two she wouldn’t mind never seeing again. A majority of them never really left an impression on her so she could care less. As for those outside of her class unless they’ve made some kind of impact on her or owe her money she forget their name almost immediately.

Fuck You Monokuma: Pre-Despair (Main)Despair game never happened and she is a ‘normal’ high school studentKilling gameBack in the killing game everyone time to adapt.